Long ago in a ocean far far away. There was the Blob fish it was so beautiful. That all the fish that the Blob fish mocked were going to get there revenge.
The blob fish was swimming around being so proud of its own looks. “ ha i’m so good looking “
“Really” said a whale shark
“ yes i'm just more better than you in every single way” said the blob fish
the whale shark sighed
“ just go away” said the whale shark
“ WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER ME AROUND!” said the Blob fish The whale shark just left “ YEAH YOU BETTER GET AWAY FROM MY PRESENCE!” said the blob fish
The blob fish kept going on talking about how it was SO much better than any other fish. When all of a sudden a spine shivering angler fish with sharp razor teeth but without any light attached to itself said “WHO'S THERE”
The blob fish said “someone more good looking!”
The angler fish said “WELL I'M GOING EAT YOU”
The blob fish said “I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!”
The angular fish went in full speed at 35.9 miles per hour. The blob fish simply moved to the left and the angular fish missed and hit a giant scared seal
The angler fish said “ugh trying to eat that annoying blob fish”
The angler fish said “oh cra-” Is the angler fish’s last words. (may the angler fish rest in peace)
The blob fish said “thank you for your service PEASANT!”
The seal simply said “eh i'm too full to eat you” The blob fish kept mocking him. The seal was became to frustrated with the amount of mocking that came from the blob fish. that it started to give signs of aggression. The blob fish stopped its mocking knowing to leave that part of the ocean.
The blob fish went to a part of the ocean he never been to. There was no sign of life. No crabs, no angler fish, no dragon fish, not a single thing just sand and rocks. But all of a sudden the same giant whale shark same from the deep dark depths of the water. The blob fish asked “well look who it is”
The whale shark said “oh no why did I come here”
The blob fish said “ OK you oversized brute why isn't there anyone here?”

once the blob fish got its answer is continued its taunting
The blob fish said “not even and oversized person like yourself could outmatch my good looks.”
All of a sudden a seal spat out the angler fish and the whale shark said “let's get payback” the seal, angler fish and whale shark started to chomp on the blob fish without killing it. The blob fish’s face became gooey and pasty and it couldn't move. Once the animals finally got their revenge the blob fish was left sobbing. Once a few animals past by they mocked the blob fish making it sob even more. Once more animals started chomping on it again without killing it. The blob fish developed a acidic like coat so it wouldn't be chomped on again. That's why the blob fish is ugly