This blog is a record of my learning from Pt England School in Auckland, through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
my art for 2018

2018 art
Thursday, 8 November 2018
the hobbit letter I think
To anyone who finds this
I'm possibly dead on a quest to free our home from the dragon known as Smaug. To any of my cousins family I hate you for not coming with us you bastards. How are 12 dwarfs 1 hobbit who sucks at his job and a wizard who is hardly ever there supposed to take out a giant dragon. A very reliable family thanks guys. Anyway if we do make it go to the mountains you very unreliable family
I'm possibly dead on a quest to free our home from the dragon known as Smaug. To any of my cousins family I hate you for not coming with us you bastards. How are 12 dwarfs 1 hobbit who sucks at his job and a wizard who is hardly ever there supposed to take out a giant dragon. A very reliable family thanks guys. Anyway if we do make it go to the mountains you very unreliable family
this is my thing it isn't in the novel or movie
Monday, 5 November 2018
40k art te wa toi
i'm just going to explain what I did and why I did it. I basically drew space marines against chaos since there easy to draw. (not really) but yeah so I drew the front marine shooting a chaos marine and a juggernaut breathing fire I think they can do that. and 1 at the end being stabbed and died another marine in the back shooting more chaos.
what we were suppose to do was to do ed stuff and make it realistic so yea
satire writing about trump
this is a satire piece if you support trump i'm not making you go against him this is my opinion. and if trump sees this don't destroy new Zealand or any other country bullying you
Why Donald Trump being president is ridiculous!. There is a lot of reason Rumpet Trumpet being president
Theses points are
Banning violent video games from
1. Trump banning violent games from america. Trumpet Rumpet thinks that violent video games are the reason for school shootings. When really it's just the children just wanting to show off their guns. Because Americans are allowed to have firearms and the children are taking the guns and showing off. (say this next bit a hillbilly accent) Now this here Donald trump thinks he can take my games and guns. Now I don't care if my child is pretending to be doom guy with my sawed off shotgun (doom reference) (seems a bit racist) Yea sure Rumpet ban games from Old men, Adults, children even a baby. But you’ll take away beloved games from people like Just cause 4, Rainbow six siege and League of legends. Some games keep serial killers inside their house being distracted by the gore in games. And if Trump bans games from america RIOT.
2. Making a spin off of the great wall of china
Apparently trumpet being the racist as*hole that he is. Is apparently building “The great Mexican American wall” and making Mexicans pay for it. And it doesn't look good the majority of it is just wood PLAIN OLD WOOD. I mean if he's making people pay for a wall to separate two countries at least make it out of something that is hard and sturdy. Then again it might be a good thing that its made out of wood. Yea Rumpet Trumpet really is a good guy who uses america’s OWN money to make a big fat wall out of wood and nothing else.
Is the end
Why Donald Trump being president is ridiculous!. There is a lot of reason Rumpet Trumpet being president
Theses points are
Banning violent video games from
1. Trump banning violent games from america. Trumpet Rumpet thinks that violent video games are the reason for school shootings. When really it's just the children just wanting to show off their guns. Because Americans are allowed to have firearms and the children are taking the guns and showing off. (say this next bit a hillbilly accent) Now this here Donald trump thinks he can take my games and guns. Now I don't care if my child is pretending to be doom guy with my sawed off shotgun (doom reference) (seems a bit racist) Yea sure Rumpet ban games from Old men, Adults, children even a baby. But you’ll take away beloved games from people like Just cause 4, Rainbow six siege and League of legends. Some games keep serial killers inside their house being distracted by the gore in games. And if Trump bans games from america RIOT.
2. Making a spin off of the great wall of china
Apparently trumpet being the racist as*hole that he is. Is apparently building “The great Mexican American wall” and making Mexicans pay for it. And it doesn't look good the majority of it is just wood PLAIN OLD WOOD. I mean if he's making people pay for a wall to separate two countries at least make it out of something that is hard and sturdy. Then again it might be a good thing that its made out of wood. Yea Rumpet Trumpet really is a good guy who uses america’s OWN money to make a big fat wall out of wood and nothing else.
Is the end
Thursday, 27 September 2018
me doing the kazotsky kick
there currently no video of me doing the kick so your going to have to make due with this. I felt nervous on stage still giving my speech n stuff like that. the other performance's were better than me and andrew's performance.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
my move your body animation
Monday, 17 September 2018
your the teacher the warhamer 40k universe

but now in the 41st millennium the emperor is on his throne the legions are now chapters and Horus is dead and most of the emperors children are either missing dead or turned to the forces of chaos. after the hours heresy the codex Astarte was made. The Codex Astartes is a great and sacred tome of military organisation, strategy and tactics written by Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines Space Marine Legion, to prevent another civil war like the Horus Heresy. the primarch vulkan was last seen fighting the beast but with his regenerative ability's like the emperors he will be alive but vulkan vanished without a trace but the salamanders believe that once they get all the artefacts of vulkan he will return. another primarch leman russ said that he will return to his wolfram breatheran before going into the warp. the rest though are just missing or dead. one of the earliest race's in this galactic fight is the tau empire recruiting the other species even allowing humans to join there empire. but the necrons are the eldest race in the universe still being even before humans were a thing a necron overlord in lore A Necron Overlord is one of the greatest and most powerful leaders of the Necron race, and the ruler of many Tomb Worlds. More powerful than even a Necron Lord, at a Necron Overlord's command are uncountable legions of Necron Warriors, terrifying war machines, and a vast array of devastating weaponry.
. the eldar stopped the necrons that time. but now in the 41st millennium there getting back up because they cant die and there robots. the rest of the races though are pretty weird also if you want to get to earth in this universe the imperial guard is the way to go. being normal human beings with some cybernetic's.
that's all i going to say about this universe hope you enjoyed
the links I used for this info
1 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000
2 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultramarines:_A_Warhammer_40,000_Movie
3 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Warhammer_40,000_novels
4 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_Workshop
5 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necrons
6 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000#Video_games
7- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%27au_Empire
9 - http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Primarch
10 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primarch
11 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Marines_(Warhammer_40,000)
12 - http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Deathwatch
13 - http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/T%27au_Empire
14 -http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Warhammer_40,000_Universe
15 - http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Necrons
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
the three little pigs if the tale was really violent
NOTE our task was to rewrite a fairy tale also picture the wolfs voice like sindri myr's please it really adds some depth into the story. Its whats the videos for
( I really hope no child will read this)
My take on the story about the 3 little pigs
The characters are pork, ham, bacon
Once upon a time there were The 3 little pigs named pork , ham and bacon approached their fathers dark chocolate house. As they approached they could hear a spine shivering howl coming from the house. As they hesitantly decided to open the door they could see a 8 foot tall direwolf chomping on the headless bloody father pig corpse sitting on the blood stained couch. The pigs were horrified at the sight of there dead father. bacon was really emotionally hurt by watching his father get eaten and said “ WHAT THE HECK!” said shocked of the tragedy. The direwolf stopped it eating and looked at the three pigs. And said very happily “ooo just my lucky day three little piggies” as the wolf breathed in, the pigs were getting ready to run. “at my doorstep” the pigs started to run as fast as they could. But the direwolf caught up to bacon and grabbed him bacon said “LET ME GO!” the dire wolf started to bring its victim back to the dark chocolate house and began eating bacon alive. bacon shrieked “AGH HELP ME!” one last bite from the dire wolf killed bacon (rip bacon) the direwolf said “ NO ONE CAN STAND AGAINST ME!” the dire wolf started to howl. Pork and ham were seperated but they could still hear the howl.
Pork somehow found lots of steel enough to build a house. ham wasn't so lucky he just found a lot of sticks enough to build a little hut. There was a hunter watching all of that at a safe distance. The hunter said “why is there a dark chocolate house? The direwolf was right behind him
The direwolf said “ well, well, well, look what I have here”
The hunter brought his rusty old rifle and started to run. The hunter said “ WHY THE HECK IS THERE A TALKING WOLF!” ( because its a fairy tale)
The dire said “ it's just my lucky day 3 pigs and now a hunter what's next I wonder” the direwolf gave chase. meanwhile ham finished his house because it didn't take long with the resources he had It even provided warmth. Pork though was still in the middle of building his house. The hunter was still running the hunter was preparing his rifle. Once the rifle was ready the hunter opened fire. It did hit the wolf but it had no effect. The hunter pulled out his sharp knife And stabbed the direwolf. But it had little to no effect on the direwolf. The direwolf said “well it seems like it's time for a little snack” a loud shriek of terror echoed into the forest. But then it immediately stopped followed by loud sounds of eating.
The pigs were done with there little buildings ham made a little hut and pork made a really beautiful house. The direwolf saw the little hut containing porkchop. The direwolf approached the little hut saying “ what is this?” the direwolf Pondered. The direwolf destroyed the little hut. Ham said “PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!” the direwolf grabbed ham and started to eat ham. Pork could hear the shriek of terror but did nothing. The dire wolf said “hmm I wonder what that is?” pork could see the wolf coming and decided to give up on life. The direwolf approached the house and could see pork. The direwolf said “giving up so soon?”
Pork said “yes… yes I am”
The direwolf said “I thought this would of been fun but I guess not” the direwolf went to pork and grabbed him and started to eat him.
The end ( I know my version of the story doesn't have a happy ending but I sort of like it)
(The story/fable was about putting dedication into your work because it pays off in the end)
( I really hope no child will read this)
My take on the story about the 3 little pigs
The characters are pork, ham, bacon
Once upon a time there were The 3 little pigs named pork , ham and bacon approached their fathers dark chocolate house. As they approached they could hear a spine shivering howl coming from the house. As they hesitantly decided to open the door they could see a 8 foot tall direwolf chomping on the headless bloody father pig corpse sitting on the blood stained couch. The pigs were horrified at the sight of there dead father. bacon was really emotionally hurt by watching his father get eaten and said “ WHAT THE HECK!” said shocked of the tragedy. The direwolf stopped it eating and looked at the three pigs. And said very happily “ooo just my lucky day three little piggies” as the wolf breathed in, the pigs were getting ready to run. “at my doorstep” the pigs started to run as fast as they could. But the direwolf caught up to bacon and grabbed him bacon said “LET ME GO!” the dire wolf started to bring its victim back to the dark chocolate house and began eating bacon alive. bacon shrieked “AGH HELP ME!” one last bite from the dire wolf killed bacon (rip bacon) the direwolf said “ NO ONE CAN STAND AGAINST ME!” the dire wolf started to howl. Pork and ham were seperated but they could still hear the howl.
Pork somehow found lots of steel enough to build a house. ham wasn't so lucky he just found a lot of sticks enough to build a little hut. There was a hunter watching all of that at a safe distance. The hunter said “why is there a dark chocolate house? The direwolf was right behind him
The direwolf said “ well, well, well, look what I have here”
The hunter brought his rusty old rifle and started to run. The hunter said “ WHY THE HECK IS THERE A TALKING WOLF!” ( because its a fairy tale)
The dire said “ it's just my lucky day 3 pigs and now a hunter what's next I wonder” the direwolf gave chase. meanwhile ham finished his house because it didn't take long with the resources he had It even provided warmth. Pork though was still in the middle of building his house. The hunter was still running the hunter was preparing his rifle. Once the rifle was ready the hunter opened fire. It did hit the wolf but it had no effect. The hunter pulled out his sharp knife And stabbed the direwolf. But it had little to no effect on the direwolf. The direwolf said “well it seems like it's time for a little snack” a loud shriek of terror echoed into the forest. But then it immediately stopped followed by loud sounds of eating.
The pigs were done with there little buildings ham made a little hut and pork made a really beautiful house. The direwolf saw the little hut containing porkchop. The direwolf approached the little hut saying “ what is this?” the direwolf Pondered. The direwolf destroyed the little hut. Ham said “PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!” the direwolf grabbed ham and started to eat ham. Pork could hear the shriek of terror but did nothing. The dire wolf said “hmm I wonder what that is?” pork could see the wolf coming and decided to give up on life. The direwolf approached the house and could see pork. The direwolf said “giving up so soon?”
Pork said “yes… yes I am”
The direwolf said “I thought this would of been fun but I guess not” the direwolf went to pork and grabbed him and started to eat him.
The end ( I know my version of the story doesn't have a happy ending but I sort of like it)
(The story/fable was about putting dedication into your work because it pays off in the end)
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
how the blob fish became so ugly
we were writing about pourchoi tales
Long ago in a ocean far far away. There was the Blob fish it was so beautiful. That all the fish that the Blob fish mocked were going to get there revenge.
The blob fish was swimming around being so proud of its own looks. “ ha i’m so good looking “
“Really” said a whale shark
“ yes i'm just more better than you in every single way” said the blob fish
the whale shark sighed
“ just go away” said the whale shark
“ WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER ME AROUND!” said the Blob fish The whale shark just left “ YEAH YOU BETTER GET AWAY FROM MY PRESENCE!” said the blob fish
The blob fish kept going on talking about how it was SO much better than any other fish. When all of a sudden a spine shivering angler fish with sharp razor teeth but without any light attached to itself said “WHO'S THERE”
The blob fish said “someone more good looking!”
The angler fish said “WELL I'M GOING EAT YOU”
The blob fish said “I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!”
The angular fish went in full speed at 35.9 miles per hour. The blob fish simply moved to the left and the angular fish missed and hit a giant scared seal
The angler fish said “ugh trying to eat that annoying blob fish”
The angler fish said “oh cra-” Is the angler fish’s last words. (may the angler fish rest in peace)
The blob fish said “thank you for your service PEASANT!”
The seal simply said “eh i'm too full to eat you” The blob fish kept mocking him. The seal was became to frustrated with the amount of mocking that came from the blob fish. that it started to give signs of aggression. The blob fish stopped its mocking knowing to leave that part of the ocean.
The blob fish went to a part of the ocean he never been to. There was no sign of life. No crabs, no angler fish, no dragon fish, not a single thing just sand and rocks. But all of a sudden the same giant whale shark same from the deep dark depths of the water. The blob fish asked “well look who it is”
The whale shark said “oh no why did I come here”
The blob fish said “ OK you oversized brute why isn't there anyone here?”
The whale shark said “this is an isolated place that's why no one is here”
once the blob fish got its answer is continued its taunting
The blob fish said “not even and oversized person like yourself could outmatch my good looks.”
All of a sudden a seal spat out the angler fish and the whale shark said “let's get payback” the seal, angler fish and whale shark started to chomp on the blob fish without killing it. The blob fish’s face became gooey and pasty and it couldn't move. Once the animals finally got their revenge the blob fish was left sobbing. Once a few animals past by they mocked the blob fish making it sob even more. Once more animals started chomping on it again without killing it. The blob fish developed a acidic like coat so it wouldn't be chomped on again. That's why the blob fish is ugly
Long ago in a ocean far far away. There was the Blob fish it was so beautiful. That all the fish that the Blob fish mocked were going to get there revenge.
The blob fish was swimming around being so proud of its own looks. “ ha i’m so good looking “
“Really” said a whale shark
“ yes i'm just more better than you in every single way” said the blob fish
the whale shark sighed
“ just go away” said the whale shark
“ WHO ARE YOU TO ORDER ME AROUND!” said the Blob fish The whale shark just left “ YEAH YOU BETTER GET AWAY FROM MY PRESENCE!” said the blob fish
The blob fish kept going on talking about how it was SO much better than any other fish. When all of a sudden a spine shivering angler fish with sharp razor teeth but without any light attached to itself said “WHO'S THERE”
The blob fish said “someone more good looking!”
The angler fish said “WELL I'M GOING EAT YOU”
The blob fish said “I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY!”
The angular fish went in full speed at 35.9 miles per hour. The blob fish simply moved to the left and the angular fish missed and hit a giant scared seal
The angler fish said “ugh trying to eat that annoying blob fish”
The angler fish said “oh cra-” Is the angler fish’s last words. (may the angler fish rest in peace)
The blob fish said “thank you for your service PEASANT!”
The seal simply said “eh i'm too full to eat you” The blob fish kept mocking him. The seal was became to frustrated with the amount of mocking that came from the blob fish. that it started to give signs of aggression. The blob fish stopped its mocking knowing to leave that part of the ocean.
The blob fish went to a part of the ocean he never been to. There was no sign of life. No crabs, no angler fish, no dragon fish, not a single thing just sand and rocks. But all of a sudden the same giant whale shark same from the deep dark depths of the water. The blob fish asked “well look who it is”
The whale shark said “oh no why did I come here”
The blob fish said “ OK you oversized brute why isn't there anyone here?”

once the blob fish got its answer is continued its taunting
The blob fish said “not even and oversized person like yourself could outmatch my good looks.”
All of a sudden a seal spat out the angler fish and the whale shark said “let's get payback” the seal, angler fish and whale shark started to chomp on the blob fish without killing it. The blob fish’s face became gooey and pasty and it couldn't move. Once the animals finally got their revenge the blob fish was left sobbing. Once a few animals past by they mocked the blob fish making it sob even more. Once more animals started chomping on it again without killing it. The blob fish developed a acidic like coat so it wouldn't be chomped on again. That's why the blob fish is ugly
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
exercise lyrics
our objective was to take the lyrics of a popular song and change it up a bit to relate to psychical activity
Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
Almost home yea, sweet home
Oranges to, get healthy
Been running for so long, longer than the trees
Shorter than the mountains ,Breathing like a breeze
Country roads, guide me home
To the place, I love
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Physical exercise
Physical activity doesn't just help you get buff or lose weight it helps you improve your verbal memory. Like in the title “Do physical THINGS thats gets your blood and sweat glands pumping ”. Like running, jumping or a morning jog
If you get up in the morning and have a morning jog it helps your verbal memory I know I already addressed that but it's actually really important. Because the hippocampus the part that protects memory and thinking those are really important because we use them daily. and if we don't exercise we barely have a any memory or thinking skills
If you don't exercise you not only not improve your verbal memory you also have a higher chance of getting a heart disease,stroke and diabetes these are really bad so don't just exercise to improve your verbal memory do it to avoid these infections
If you get up in the morning and have a morning jog it helps your verbal memory I know I already addressed that but it's actually really important. Because the hippocampus the part that protects memory and thinking those are really important because we use them daily. and if we don't exercise we barely have a any memory or thinking skills
If you don't exercise you not only not improve your verbal memory you also have a higher chance of getting a heart disease,stroke and diabetes these are really bad so don't just exercise to improve your verbal memory do it to avoid these infections
Anaerobic exercise helps you with getting buff and losing weight but aerobic exercise that's the thing that really helps. It helps with verbal memory and diseases
Now the obvious thing that people think is whenever you exercise it gets you buff and helps you lose weight that's anaerobic exercise. but the exercise that really helps you is aerobic exercise it really doesn't just do that. It helps with verbal memory and helps us avoid diseases
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Thursday, 14 June 2018
spy fox episode 2
When Agent fox ignored a call from the agency the earth was immediately in danger by A Wasp known as Waspinator ( I know i'm stealing I mean using the name Waspinator from transformers beast wars :) ) by using poisonous gases that kill everything except for planets and all types wasp’s. His minions were transforming wasp that could turn into a humanoid wasp and back into a wasp. Waspinator said “Waspinator will finally have planet for Waspinator”
While Waspinator was making the poison Agent Fox was on the couch watching TV As soon as Agent Fox had Another call to action. as soon as he pressed the button on his watch he got a ring from the doorbell. He opened the door to find a package what he found inside were 10 e.m.p grenades made to stop electrical machines from working and an anti-poison gun that destroys poison. Agent fox Quickly dashed to his that can somehow fly. All the way to Ireland the flight took about 24 hours to get there.
When Agent fox got to Ireland he silently dashed towards a hive like building about feet tall Agent fox sighed and said “well this is ,unbeelevable” (bad pun I know ok) he used a grappling hook to find his way all the up a drone quickly said “ALERT ALERT FIRE AT UNKNOWN TARGET” Agent fox quickly surveyed the area to find a vent. Then when he had his eyes on a vent he quickly dashed thru it.
He found a laboratory full of security dones. Agent fox swiftly used an emp grenade at a group of security drones. a security drone the drone said “oh no” the security dones shut down and an alarm sounds agent fox says “well I better hurry!.”
Waspinator said “go get that stupid fox he's going to ruin plan for Waspinator!” as waspinator dashed to finish the poison Agent fox was throwing a handful of the emp grenades at hordes of drones. Agent fox said “ahh this must be where all the beesiness is” Agent fox said “well here’s the poison in this giant bottle” waspinator came in the laboratory Waspinator said ooh you found Waspinator poison but can you destroy it?
“well ya” Agent fox said as he fired a few shots at the poison with the anti poison gun.
Waspinator said “NOOO YOU RUINED PLAN FOR WASPINATOR!” Waspinator went to Agent fox’s face a stinged him repeatedly. Agent fox said “please stop this is really annoying”
Then Agent fox grabbed waspinator and squished waspinator. The drones were on self destruct mode
Agent fox Said “well time to get out of here!” when agent fox raced outside the building with explosions happening all around him. Just as he escaped a drone grabbed his leg but agent fox kicked it off before it blew up. Agent fox was congratulated for his mission
The end
Thursday, 7 June 2018
recount of camp
Have you ever wondered “oh what happened at year 8 leadership camp at night?” well let me tell you about what happened in the 1st night.
It was a nice normal day at camp full of fun activities until night hit. I really wasn't what I was looking forward too because I feel homesick at night whenever i’m at a camp. But before we went to bed we filled our drink bottles and went into our cabines. Before I went into bed I had one last drink. I went into my sleeping bag before as I was shutting my eyes Mr Wiseman said “10 minutes before lights out!” just as soon as mr Wiseman closed the door everyone except for me all started talking away. Mr Wiseman went straight to our cabin and turned off the lights. There was silence that hit the room (for like ten seconds) Hone tried to start a scary story but we all refused. Then Mr Wiseman said “shut it and go to sleep” mostly everyone tried to hold in laughter (except for me again) Mr Wiseman said “so you think it's funny now wait till you get to the bottom bunk!” (not his exact words)
Again and again Mr Wiseman kept on opening and shutting the door. And when we thought it was over jonathan said “is he gone?” troy peeked through the window and tried to look for mr Wiseman then like the grim reaper Mr Wiseman came and said” you you you out here now!”. He pointed at Hone, Jonathon , Troy and Germaine. As soon as they left it was really quiet I was actually quite happy. (for 20 seconds) I was really annoyed when they came back because they were always talking.
We all asked “What happened?” all They said about it “oh we just had a run” it felt like hours had gone by and the “bottom bunk” joke has never ended. For example one of them would say “you think memes are bad wait till you get to the bottom bunk.” But this wasn't isn’t joke walter asked “Ben wheres my watch at?”
and I quickly replied remembering where walter was putting “on the bottom bunk” everyone started to burst with laughter. All I said was “guys it’s not that funny”
A few hours I think everyone is still awake and talking away and still making bottom bunk jokes. By the time morning came I was already tired and Mr Jacobson BURST thru the door and said “GET UP EVERYONE COME ON!” (sort of like that vine with the bird from sesame street broke that door) it took a bit to get up and trying to back our bags but as the bugle kept on going. we finally went outside to see everyone sitting up in our table lines to have get some breakfast and points. (Well i'm pretty sure you can tell that I wasn't like the people in my cabin and quiet most of the time even going into the cabin when everyone else was at the gym during free time)
It was a nice normal day at camp full of fun activities until night hit. I really wasn't what I was looking forward too because I feel homesick at night whenever i’m at a camp. But before we went to bed we filled our drink bottles and went into our cabines. Before I went into bed I had one last drink. I went into my sleeping bag before as I was shutting my eyes Mr Wiseman said “10 minutes before lights out!” just as soon as mr Wiseman closed the door everyone except for me all started talking away. Mr Wiseman went straight to our cabin and turned off the lights. There was silence that hit the room (for like ten seconds) Hone tried to start a scary story but we all refused. Then Mr Wiseman said “shut it and go to sleep” mostly everyone tried to hold in laughter (except for me again) Mr Wiseman said “so you think it's funny now wait till you get to the bottom bunk!” (not his exact words)
Again and again Mr Wiseman kept on opening and shutting the door. And when we thought it was over jonathan said “is he gone?” troy peeked through the window and tried to look for mr Wiseman then like the grim reaper Mr Wiseman came and said” you you you out here now!”. He pointed at Hone, Jonathon , Troy and Germaine. As soon as they left it was really quiet I was actually quite happy. (for 20 seconds) I was really annoyed when they came back because they were always talking.
We all asked “What happened?” all They said about it “oh we just had a run” it felt like hours had gone by and the “bottom bunk” joke has never ended. For example one of them would say “you think memes are bad wait till you get to the bottom bunk.” But this wasn't isn’t joke walter asked “Ben wheres my watch at?”
and I quickly replied remembering where walter was putting “on the bottom bunk” everyone started to burst with laughter. All I said was “guys it’s not that funny”
A few hours I think everyone is still awake and talking away and still making bottom bunk jokes. By the time morning came I was already tired and Mr Jacobson BURST thru the door and said “GET UP EVERYONE COME ON!” (sort of like that vine with the bird from sesame street broke that door) it took a bit to get up and trying to back our bags but as the bugle kept on going. we finally went outside to see everyone sitting up in our table lines to have get some breakfast and points. (Well i'm pretty sure you can tell that I wasn't like the people in my cabin and quiet most of the time even going into the cabin when everyone else was at the gym during free time)
2018 Ben writing
Friday, 18 May 2018
our experiments
our experiment is testing Issac newtons first law of motion "objects at rest stay at rest" and "objects in motion stay in motion" the experiment only needed a coin , cardboard, a metal knuckle bone and a cup. Its simple all you need to do is pull the cardboard as fast as you can in one motion. Then the coin will stay in the air for a bit then fall into the cup because of gravity. I rate this experiment a 8/10
Thursday, 12 April 2018
20 sentence story about the transformers
In 1984 there was a show made that day that many people liked and now not really. It was the transformers that aired in 1984.

Friday, 6 April 2018
holes activity 1
this is the activity about the book holes you can watch the movie or read the book
Monday, 19 March 2018
Friday, 2 March 2018
Monday, 26 February 2018
how to save your moneys
Do you have money? Is it in the bank? If it is then you saved you money but there are other ways to save money aswell (please read)
Sell unnecessary items
The first thing to do is sell your car then buy a really cheap bike if you live close to your work but buy a car or if you live a bit far away buy a really cheap car like one thats $500. But if you dont have enough money sell the unessasery items that you have like a lamp,table,wood,nails, and all that stuff At a garage sale. Another way you can sell some items is go on trade me and sell old toys.
buy cheap items
Imagine yourself buying something at paknsave and its exspensive if you buy it and later on you need to pay rent thats really exspensive and becuase you buyed that thing at paknsave it could have long term effects like you dont have enough money and eventually you’ll get kicked out of your home but if you didnt buy that thing and buy a cheaper thing you’ll be able to pay your rent and bills you can also buy something cheap like a game or toy when you pay all your bills.
use less power
One thing you can do is dont watch tv all day long but go outside so you can socialise. (I dont count though cause im am an introvert) another way to use less power is what I do that who ever is reading this shouldnt. do is go on your laptop until you feel tired then fall asleep then wake up from your alarm and be really tired then go to school. A thing that whoever is doing this can set a time for when they turn off there laptop or what ever they use to watch. (but I cant becuase im afraid of the dark)
In conclusion the 3 ways that I talked about sell unessacery things, buy cheap food and use less power. I think they are great ways to save money so I suggest you try them. But please dont do anything I do on any of the paragraph’s unless there good.
Friday, 23 February 2018
pascal's triangle
how to find the four patterns (for people who don't wanna try)
the first one is that the number in each row double up like 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 and so on
secondly the odd numbers are shaded and they form a triangle's
see if you can find the rest good bye
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
visual mihi 2018
this is my visual mihi its about the stuff I like on the bottom right is soundwave from transformers he is my favourite character from transformers. the top right is resembling the cross. the top left is the new Zealand flag and bottom left is my favourite color
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Monday, 5 February 2018
what does good group work look and sound like
this is a presentation about what does good group work look and sound like
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